Sunday, January 12, 2014

Holden James
We are so happy to welcome a new little guy into our family. Holden James Farnsworth was born on December 14th at 8:22 am weighing 8lbs. 2 oz. but the story of how he arrived is kind of a crazy one, so here goes for inquiring minds.
Thursday morning I lost some mucus, (Sorry! too much information? Birth isn't pretty but I figure I will tell the whole story anyways). I called Daniel and told him to get ready for a baby soon as I knew losing your mucus plug can be a precursor to labor, but I had plans to make some Christmas treats with my mother-in-law, so I go over there and think nothing of it but she was a little worried and made me call my doctor. I talked to him and he said if I wasn't leaking any fluid or having contractions I am fine. I then read that it could still be weeks before labor starts after losing your mucus plug so I was a little disappointed since I was set to be induced on Monday (due to having high blood sugar during pregnancy and we didn't want the baby getting too big and that would be one day past my "due date"). I was induced with Emilee and labor was a long drawn out nightmare ending in a C-section and I did not want to do that again! I was planning for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Caesarean) with every fiber of my being!
Friday. If I thought I lost mucus yesterday morning, boy was I wrong! Today was much much more but I go about my day as usual. I hung out with my mother-in-law (and Emilee of course) again. We went to lunch at Wingers and spent the entire day shopping at Wal-Mart, K-mart, and last minute Christmas shopping at Rue 21 and Maurice's (I tried on a pair of pants which was stupid! haha). Our plan was to shop until I drop or until my water breaks! After all this shopping we got Wendy's for dinner since I didn't feel like cooking. Later that night laying in bed,  I was just about asleep and I feel like what I thought was a  super karate chop from baby and I was like "ow" that kick kinda hurt! But it was actually more of a POP! I feel a little leak of wetness, I adjust and feel a little more, I start to realize what this means and start to panic a little bit. I kneel up in bed and gush! Water goes everywhere. I shake Daniel and tell him my water just broke! He says "Are you serious?"  and I tell him, 'I'm Serious!!"
Daniel wants to go to the hospital right away but I hadn't started any contractions yet so I wasn't sure we should go yet just to be sent home or something, plus it was midnight (Saturday) and we would have to wake Emilee up. Daniel called the OB department and they chuckled at our question and said I should definitely come in. So Daniel runs around getting things loaded in the car, taking out the garbage cans etc. while I just sit and gather a few things for Emilee to take to grandma's house. I was calm...until contractions started! Then I agreed we better head towards the hospital in Roosevelt, a 40 minute drive from Vernal. We hadn't been driving for 5 minutes when red lights flash behind us! Are you kidding me! I'm in labor and we are getting pulled over! He comes to my window and starts to ask where we are headed, when Daniel just interrupts and tells him "my wife is in labor and we are headed to the hospital right now!" and I give him a pathetic glance as he informs us our license plate light is out and sends us on our way. Good thing the light was out because our registration was past due too but he didn't notice that in the dark. haha.
By the time we got to Daniel's parents house to drop off Emilee and our dog, I was having contractions that were 40 seconds long and 4 minutes apart.

Checked into the hospital at 1 am, dilated to a 5. They called the anesthesiologist and he would be coming in shortly. 2 a.m. dilated to a 7 and having pretty intense contractions. 3:00 am I was finally getting the epidural.  I was bent over on the bed and Daniel standing in front of me holding onto my shoulders. The Dr. was just in the middle of doing it when Daniel falls straight backwards and hits the floor. He fainted! He didn't even catch himself and he's laying there with his eyes twitching and he stopped breathing for a second. Here I am, not supposed to move a single muscle and I'm flipping out. The nurses are simply saying "Daniel, Daniel can you hear us?" and I'm crying and yelling "Somebody HELP him!!" Finally he comes out of it and then they want to send him to the ER to get checked out but they say he would have to be admitted as a patient, and I did not want him to be going anywhere at this point so the anesthesiologist checks him a little and says he'll be fine. I lay in the bed in so much pain by now (hoping this epidural kicks in soon) that I'm not even aware what Daniel was doing now, I guess he got some food and laid down on the couch to sleep. I'm enduring the contractions and feel my toes get tingly numb, my left leg becomes immovable but other then that it is not working. Let's be honest, I blame Daniel fainting for the epidural failure. Gotta blame something, right? I tell them I'm still in tremendous amounts of pain and my epidural gets adjusted and I roll on my side to get the medicine to flow to my other side. No relief still. By 5:10 a.m. I am complete and dilated to a 10.  Every contraction I literally was praying to please help me get through this. I had inspiration quotes printed off about how women have been having babies for millions of years and it's natural, have no fear, you can do this, and that's what I would think about. You CAN do this! My Dr. was amazing and was there by 4am. I don't remember how long I was pushing but we tried that for a while. Holden's heart rate would drop dramatically with each push so we gave it a break and stopped pushing for a little while. Changed positions and tried pushing on my side. With each push, he would drop but would go right back up when it was over. It was like two steps forward one step backwards. I was put on oxygen to help and told not to push and let the contractions do the work of pushing baby more downward without the stress the pushing was putting oh him. Having contractions without pushing is absolutely excruciating. Pushing at least gives you something else to focus on; the pushing, counting, breathing; something besides just contractions. I couldn't hardly talk or even notice who the nurses were.  I kept looking at that warming table where the baby goes thinking that all this really is worth it, but it got to the point where I was moaning and would throw my oxygen mask off when I couldn't handle it anymore. I broke down crying and told Daniel I can't do this, I want a C-section and to go get the doctor right now. The doctor comes in to talk to me, asks how I'm feeling and I tell him it is unbearable. He asks what I want to do, and I of course didn't actually want a C-section so I tell him I want to push again. I don't know what crowning feels like, but I swear it felt as if the baby was crowning this whole time. From the previous pushing and fetal monitoring he said that pushing any more would stress the baby even more and he didn't want the baby in distress then end up in a C-section anyways and turn it into an emergency situation. He checked me again and the baby had not gotten past my pelvic bone and he said a C-section was what we needed to do. I had done this before so it wasn't too shocking and after being up the entire night I was ready to be done. The anesthesiologist was going to come in and they can usually double the dose of the epidural and it is effective enough to do the surgery. I had to wait a while for him as it was around shift change. He ups the meds and we waited for it to kick in. And we waited, since the epidural in the first place was not effective, neither was this. I told him it was not working and I don't think he really believed me and decided to test it out. He touched my belly and asked if I could feel anything. Uh Yes! So then he asked if I could feel just a touch or a pinch. It was a pinch, I could feel everything.  That would be a problem since they "use something sharper then a pinch."  

Basically our only option at this point is for me to go under general anesthesia. Since I was going to be out, Daniel had to wait outside and watch from a window instead of being able to come in with me. As I was laying on the table, the doctor checked me one last time just to be sure and the baby still hadn't come down any lower. So it gave me some comfort knowing we were doing the right thing and I had tried to give birth the best I could but it just wasn't working out. 

Holden James was born at 8:22 am weighting 8 pounds 2 ounces and was 20.5 inches. 
Daniel was able to go to the nursery and be with Holden. 2 hours later he heard that I was out and back in the room. I got to meet my sweet baby. I kept asking Daniel over and over about his stats, how much did he weigh, how tall was he, how much did he weigh (again haha) as I was kind of out of it. I counted his fingers and toes and was able to breastfeed him. I was still pretty tired so after we got acquainted for a while we sent him back to the nursery and we slept. The lab came in to draw blood and check my levels, I didn't think much of it until later when we talked to the doctor again that we were told of the complications and why it took 2 hours after the baby was out before I was out and ok. My uterus was weakened from an intense labor and the small incision to get him out tore clear down to my bladder. Holden was too high to be in the birth canal, but much lower then a usual C-section so he had to reach down; his shoulders were where the doctor usually grabs the head. These two thing lead to the tearing. They put a blue dye in my bladder to make sure it didn't also tear and they could check if my pee was blue I was ok, if anything else was blue that would be a problem apparently. So my bladder ended up ok. The lab was checking my blood levels because I had lost a lot of blood and they were checking if it was alright. I had low blood pressure when the nurses would check me. It all sounds a bit traumatic but the blessing of it was that I was not aware of any of it (the C-section complications) which I am thankful for! I don't know what I would do if that had happened and I had been awake the whole time knowing everything.
 By Sunday I was able to get up and slowly walk around, and by Monday the 16th I was good enough to go home, a day sooner then anticipated.
Holden had a big ol' hematoma on the top of his head from trying to be born. His poor head was cone shaped, but only about half of it. We have figured that my pelvis isn't big enough. Anyways, he here and that is the important thing and he is heavenly!
Holden had a big ol' hematoma on the top of his head from trying to be born. His poor head was cone shaped, but only about half of it. We have figured that my pelvis isn't big enough. Anyways, he here and that is the important thing and he is heavenly!

Emilee loved meeting her baby brother, and made him a birthday cake and had to sing happy birthday  to him and everything (complete with a 'zero' candle she got to blow out, but got upset when we told her he couldn't actually eat any of the cake.

Going home


Monday, November 25, 2013

Hunting part 1

Hunting adventure part 1
 Dennis and Emilee at the "Ice Cave." A small little cave that had ice crystals- even in August!

This look out point had me terrified that Dennis would hold Emilee off the edge just like the Lion King! I didn't even dare walk up there. It was so high! You could see forever but it was really pretty.

I think the flash was a bit too much but Em loves her Daddy.
The little hunter

With Grandpa Dan

Walking to Paradise Lake
First time fishing

She had to paint her face with camo paint just like the hunters do

Roasting marshmallows

I swear Daniel has a sleeping disorder every camping/hunting trip. He will nap for like 4 hours at a time. So we thought it was would be funny to put bows in his hair while he was asleep.  :)

Daniel's Utah deer, killed right outside Vernal (and after all that camping!)
Daniel's Colorado deer. He was gone for over a week with his dad and came back with this.....

..... Crazy facial hair after not shaving. Had to be documented.

In other news,

 Em got a new big girl bed! She loves it and did really good at first, but now we find her coming into our bed at about 3, or 4 or 5 or 7 every morning. Oh well....

My Grandpa Blaine also passed away at the age of 90. He will be greatly missed by many people. He was one of the very most kind hearted man I've ever know and we always loved going to St. George to visit with them. He would often make us "egg McMillan's" for breakfast (like a egg mcmuffin). Playing cards at night around their table will always be a favorite memory.  We traveled to Fielding, UT  for a lovely burial service where he was also born.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

let's play some catch up....

Well the last time I blogged it was spring time, now it's nearly winter so yes I have been slacking! I'll do a quick re-cap of our fun summer activities.
 First up: a family vacation to St. George. Boating with all the McMillan's and visiting my dear grandparents. We got a great Condo and spent the days at Quail Creek and Sand Hollow "Just enjoying our memorial day weekend!"

                                                      At Blaine and Granny's house
Blaine and Granny
                                                         Emmers and aunt Crystal
                                                               Daniel water skiing
Helping Grandpa drive the boat
This was also the trip that we announced to my family that we were expecting baby #2! So I never got to do any skiing or tubing on our boating adventures, I just became the boat bum but that was ok.
Boating Trip to Pineview
The McMillan's decided to go on a boating trip to Pineview reservoir because it was a Wilcox favorite and we had never been there. If Blaine and my mom loved it, we are sure to love it too, and we did!  
                                                                   Daniel and Cheeto face
                                                                  Goofy brothers :)
         Emilee just loves to be around her aunt "JuJu." I do love that she adores her aunts so much (and Uncles too!)
                                                                       Uncle "Addy"
 Everybody was so amazing at wakeboarding and waterskiing. Even my Dad got up in one try! Julia was crossing the wake like a champ and even got some air! I was impressed.

Glad to get some time in with her adorable cousins
We spent a lot of time in the Condo's swimming pool. There was one that was only a foot and a half deep so it was perfect for these little ones to play in all day. Ruby just celebrated her first birthday, so we had a one year old, a two year old and a three year old.
LOVE her. need I say more?
more catching up to come..........

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


House before- it has soil prep on the dirt, it didn't look this good before.

Our first strip

Front part half way there
Side of house before
Side of house after

Isn't it heaven?

Here is a few pictures of our sod project. And it was a PROJECT! We worked hard to get this all done, but I'm glad we had lots of help. We got the sod from the Farnsworth's (my in-laws) who were tired of having to mow this acre of their lawn, so we kindly volunteered to take it off their hands since we have had no grass 2 years. Long story short our house was a foreclosure. It had grass but half was bad grass and morning glory, so we cut it out, sprayed weed killer which turned out to be ground kill, which would kill any grass for a whole year. So... we waited. We rented a sod cutter and cut and rolled up the grass and loaded it in a horse trailer and drove it to Vernal and carried and laid it at our house, and did this several trips which took all day long. It was more work then having a truck deliver sod to our house already cut and rolled and ready to be laid out, but we got this grass for free so I'm not complaining. Now it looks green and beautiful like it's always been there. Neighbors say it makes our house look much better (I feel like that's a compliment hidden in an insult. maybe??)
Next job is to paint the house.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Play days

Aren't these girls the cutest thing you've ever seen? Tricidee is Daniel's cousin's daughter, and Emilee's best friend, she just loves her! We went to play at the park with them one day and I had to share these pictures.

After the park (we missed nap time.) She didn't even make it home before passing out.
(The park another day) She tells me "I swing everyday!" We can't hardly get her off. She also says; "I stay park."  Oh? You want to stay at he park all night? "yyesss." This girl cracks me up.