Sunday, June 17, 2012


We measure up. I don't know if that's good.
Pointing at things. This was her very first trip to the zoo so it was kinda exciting.
Favorite guys!

I get behind on blogging, but we had a great time at the zoo with my Dad, Ben, Julia, and Phineas to celebrate Emilee's cast removal in May. 

The final picture of Em in the cast! We were in the parking garage while Daniel was changing out the car seats.

Mother's Day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Does this picture say a thousand words or what? It's my favorite. Daisy's look of exasperation and Em's enthusiasm to play, she just shoves the toy in her face. Just imagine a high pitched squeal of laughter. ha ha. Did I mention that "Daisy" was Emilee's first word beside mama, and dada. She would wake up in the morning and call for Daisy first thing. It's really sweet.
(She also now does this to me and the phone! I get the same look on my face as Daisy.)