Monday, October 22, 2012

More camping pictures

See Julia, she did touch the antlers. But other then that she didn't want to get too close.

We would be driving around and she would just shout out "deer! deer!" She gets so excited and really would perk up when we tell her she better be looking for deer. She would say it in every tone of voice, it  made the whole trip so entertaining.

I imagine the caption going something like this; Emilee: "oh honey, I'm going to make you look FABulous!" Tricidee: "what have I done.."  

These girls enjoyed playing in the dirt together

Playing in boxes

Camping and playing in the dirt ALL day makes for some really filthy kids! No body else got to shower for days on end but these kids had to have a bath everyday.

Notice her hand. She really had to hold onto the gun. She knows what she's doing, and is a good shot too. (It's just a BB gun)

Haha! Chocolate face

camping isn't camping without treats, right?

Uncle Dennis blowing bubbles.  Emilee's face is joy! She learned to say bubbles too. She learns new words everyday and is so fun to be around (most the time). :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Camping- Part 1

4 wheeler ride. She really liked it but her face didn't show it this time. She actually fell asleep on it one time. 

Trying to get upon the "vroom vroom"

Good thing we had this little car, it kept her entertained and us busy too (pushing her around all the time!)
Emilee is such a dog lover. She would give the dogs big hugs and Angel even let her sit on her.

Napping with the dogs

The kill. A 3 by 4 buck

Grandpa, Emmer and Daddy

The month of August was full of prepping to camp and then we literally were camping for half the month! 10 days plus another weekend. More pictures and stories to come.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

GroWiNG sO BiG

Being in the crib and awake causes some emotional distress, I couldn't get a grin.

I really like these pictures I took of Emilee in her pink tutu when she was about 3 months old, so I thought it would be fun to re-create the photos. It's crazy to see how much she has changed the past year. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer Pictures

What's summer without a few Popsicle's?
One fun thing we did this summer was to enroll in Mom-&-Tot swimming lessons at the Rec. Center that is just down the road from our house. Most of the kids were two and three but there were a few that were her age. It was 4 days a week for 2 weeks. Looking back, it was a blast, but in the moment when she was fussing and not floating on her back and trying to throw a fit- not so much.  Overall though she did really good and enjoyed it. It was really good at wearing her out. This picture is her face after a swim lesson, ha ha, kinda a blank stare.
Told ya swimming wears her out. This was the first time she actually fell asleep while eating!
This summer she learned.... HOW TO WALK! After the cast came off she was pretty stiff for about a month and still crawling but she has just got better and better all summer. She started to take a step here and there in June, but it was the 4th of July when she walked across the room all by herself. Of course that was the one day I do something fun and went river rafting down the Green River with a bunch of the Farnsworth family and she stayed with Grandma all day. At least it wasn't her very first steps I missed,and she hasn't stopped walking since! I was horrified to go river rafting at first but I highly recommend it. It was such a blast and I only almost died one time. haha. Just ask Daniel's cousins- I will never live it down.  

We went on a little vacation with Josh and Megan Farnsworth where we came to "the city" and did some fun things with them and their newly adopted kids. Daniel and Josh went golfing every day (the main reason for the vacation). We had fun at the mall, Cheese Cake Factory along with Chuck-E-cheese, and the zoo!
First carrousel ride

More swimming. The hose was hooked up to our underground well and it is COLD! Can you tell she is not happy about it. She was very vocal about letting us know too, then we took her out and asked if she wanted to get back in she quietly whispered "no" then loudly three more times just to make sure we heard her.

We have been to Salt lake Several times and I love getting to hang around my family and watching Emilee be absolutely adored by her grandparents. What a lucky girl, all her grandparents really love her.

My amazing sister-in-law Julia is a super hero woman having her second baby unmedicated. Little Ruby Anne is so adorable. We are excited to have another little girl join the family.  I miss my little baby.... does this mean I want another??? I don't know....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Will it ever end?

As you may be aware (or not aware) our house has not changed since I would say about... 1950! Well I'm not a fan of that so we have been working to change that ever since we moved it. Yeah it takes about a year for us to get anything done, but oh well. Our latest accomplishment is this bedroom that we are planning to make our master bedroom. We painted oh so many coats of paint and touch up paint, then sanding parts  cuz it wasn't right and painting again. It previously had light blue carpet and wallpaper with pink bows on it, I think. Do you like the trim and molding? I can say I painted all of that! Now that that room is done (just needs doors) our next project is the bathroom redo.
BEFORE  -Good bye pink tile-

AFTER. We decided to keep the corner tub and toilet but everything else is gone including cabinets, sinks, counter top, lights and carpet. Yes, we had carpet in the bathroom. We are planning to tile the floor and up the wall behind the tub.

St. George

This wasn't in St. George, I just thought I'd throw it in here. She hugs her baby and her duck and is all ready for bed.


Fun with crazy uncle Adam

Emilee with her great grandparents. How special to be able to have these experiences.

Blaine celebrated his 90th birthday a few weeks after we were in St. George. It was a great party and fun to hear everyone's great stories about him and his life.

We try to go down to St. George a few times a year to see my grandparents. We went at the beginning of June and Adam came with us. We picked him up in Provo and headed out. It is a VERY long drive from Vernal but we made it. The boys spent every day golfing while I stayed with granny or at the pool. We ate good food and played a few good card games, that is my favorite part!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


We measure up. I don't know if that's good.
Pointing at things. This was her very first trip to the zoo so it was kinda exciting.
Favorite guys!

I get behind on blogging, but we had a great time at the zoo with my Dad, Ben, Julia, and Phineas to celebrate Emilee's cast removal in May. 

The final picture of Em in the cast! We were in the parking garage while Daniel was changing out the car seats.

Mother's Day!