Tuesday, May 28, 2013


House before- it has soil prep on the dirt, it didn't look this good before.

Our first strip

Front part half way there
Side of house before
Side of house after

Isn't it heaven?

Here is a few pictures of our sod project. And it was a PROJECT! We worked hard to get this all done, but I'm glad we had lots of help. We got the sod from the Farnsworth's (my in-laws) who were tired of having to mow this acre of their lawn, so we kindly volunteered to take it off their hands since we have had no grass for...like 2 years. Long story short our house was a foreclosure. It had grass but half was bad grass and morning glory, so we cut it out, sprayed weed killer which turned out to be ground kill, which would kill any grass for a whole year. So... we waited. We rented a sod cutter and cut and rolled up the grass and loaded it in a horse trailer and drove it to Vernal and carried and laid it at our house, and did this several trips which took all day long. It was more work then having a truck deliver sod to our house already cut and rolled and ready to be laid out, but we got this grass for free so I'm not complaining. Now it looks green and beautiful like it's always been there. Neighbors say it makes our house look much better (I feel like that's a compliment hidden in an insult. maybe??)
Next job is to paint the house.



Mindy Percival said...

That looks so good! I can't believe you got all that grass for free! And I love your flowers!

Alice and Richard said...

I'm so happy for you guys! It looks great!!!

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