Lately I have enjoyed some time in Salt lake with the family and friends. Baby showers, wedding, playing catch phrase! Love it! And I better mention this great holiday of Thanksgiving. We had a great time with the McMillan's and all the new babies that joined the family this year; 7 in all (picture forthcoming). Last year was fun because we had Thanksgiving in our house and Daniel did the turkey in the deep fryer, which hasn't moved from our back yard in a year. ha ha. We take turns and alternate families for Thanksgiving and this year's dinner turned out great as well. Two dinner's actually. As soon as the extended McMillan party ended we headed back to the house to party with Dawna's kids.
I must say I'm thankful for the handyman husband I have, my happy little girl, and the best Dad and brother's a girl could ask for!
I also really really enjoyed going to see "A Christmas Carol." It's a good way to start the Christmas season and remember what relationships are important and not be a scrooge! Beware the pit in the middle of the stage though, Dawna fell 18 feet down the trap door and broke her shoulder but is probably lucky to even be alive, let alone be running the whole play only a few nights later! It was awesome.
Ba Humbug! |
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