Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hip Dysplasia

We went to Emilee's 9 month check up and the pediatrician was feeling her legs and hips and noticed a hip click when he moved it around. This means her hip was clicking in and out of the socket, he called for an X-ray and the picture above is what it showed.  Her left hip (right side in the picture) shows that the socket is at a steep angle and essentially not cupping around the ball joint of the hip. After the pediatrician got a look at the X-ray, he immediately called me and scheduled an appointment for us at Primary Children's Hospital the following week on Dec. 23rd. We had to change around all our Christmas plans to accommodate the appointment, but at least we were able to go to the McMillan Christmas party, which we otherwise would have not been in Salt lake and would have missed. The pediatric orthopedic specialist at Primary's told us that Emilee has hip dysplasia. Hip Dysplasia means that the bones of the hip joint are not aligned correctly. Since Emilee is an "older" baby it is too late for just a brace at this point and will require open reduction surgery on her hip socket to reposition the ball back into the socket. After the surgery she will have to be in a spica cast that will hold the bones in the correct position for 3 months. Yes, I said 3 months! The cast will be like the picture below; with the one leg is a cast from belly to ankle and the other leg is used to stabilize the cast and stops above the knee. Her surgery is scheduled for Feb. 21st. Hip dysplasia is actually pretty common (especially in first born's and girls) and causes no pain for the baby, so it is hard to detect besides the hip click or asymmetry of the legs, but if left untreated can cause crippling arthritis at an early age. 

Kid with Spica cast.
At first I was devastated to know there was something wrong with my baby and tears were shed and writing this and thinking about my poor girl still makes me a little teary. But I'm glad for modern medicine that can fix things like this and having it fixed before she walks and gets older where it is even more serious and harder to fix. Babies are so resilient (so they say, I guess I will find out first hand) and can heal and recover much faster then adults so that is also a positive. 50% of babies will need no other treatment and will have a normal hip. The other 50% may need another hip surgery later in life (with small percents having complications, as with any thing). When you think about all the parts a human needs to be alive and function, there are alot of things! Daniel has reminded me that Emilee could be much, much worse off. She has no heart problems or tumors like other children we know. So even thought it will be heart breaking to have her in a cast on her first birthday, and the challenge of diaper changes, sponge baths, special car seats, and probably super frustrating for her not to be able to crawl around where ever she wants to, I think in the end we will manage and be alright. I hope she is still as happy as she is now, but you do what you gotta do.

check out hip dysplasia.org for more info. This is where I read alot of stuff about it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I love this picture of Mary holding baby Jesus by Simon Dewey and listening to Christams music.
Merry Christmas everybody!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPbV_HTpyx0  Breath of Heaven

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPbV_HTpyx0   A Baby Changes Everything

Mary Did you know?

Saturday, December 10, 2011




Santa vs. the Grinch
Emilee got to see Santa at the mall when we were in Salt Lake and we took her to see the Grinch at the grocery store. It's so appropriate that she was all smiles with Santa, happy as can be, and a little grinchy with the Grinch. I just adore these pictures and glad she she didn't cry with either one. We even tried to dress her as green and furry as we could, I like it!

It's big news when the Uintah Basin gets on KSL. We are famous!

A girl and her dog, a beautiful thing

This blog shouldn't be the "Farnsworth Family", it should be the "Emilee Only" blog, but she is a pretty important part of the family and basically my focus 24/7 so it's only natural to write about her alot. Right? Here is some more pictures of her and the dog.

Loves to get into the stangest places to follow Daisy.

Loves her dog

Maybe she thinks she IS a dog too! I gotta keep an eye on this sneaky girl!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Lately I have enjoyed some time in Salt lake with the family and friends. Baby showers, wedding, playing catch phrase! Love it! And I better mention this great holiday of Thanksgiving. We had a great time with the McMillan's and all the new babies that joined the family this year; 7 in all (picture forthcoming). Last year was fun because we had Thanksgiving in our house and Daniel did the turkey in the deep fryer, which hasn't moved from our back yard in a year. ha ha. We take turns and alternate families for Thanksgiving and this year's dinner turned out great as well. Two dinner's actually. As soon as the extended McMillan party ended we headed back to the house to party with Dawna's kids.
I must say I'm thankful for the handyman husband I have, my happy little girl, and the best Dad and brother's a girl could ask for!
I also really really enjoyed going to see "A Christmas Carol." It's a good way to start the Christmas season and remember what relationships are important and not be a scrooge! Beware the pit in the middle of the stage though, Dawna fell 18 feet down the trap door and broke her shoulder but is probably lucky to even be alive, let alone be running the whole play only a few nights later! It was awesome.
Ba Humbug!

Monday, November 14, 2011

So the days of the little toothless grin is gone. Never to be back.
Two little "teethers."
She can't walk, or even say any words, or eat real food, but I feel she is already growing up so fast! Do all parents feel this way? I know there is ALOT to look forward to, but I feel these baby days are speeding by.  But we just enjoy her at every moment and age!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Emilee's first Halloween was a success. We spent the day visiting both Daniel's grandparents, and parents showing off her absolute cuteness to everyone! I just loved her little tiger costume, nothing could be cuter then this little girl. Seriously, look at her; cute!  In the evening I got to give out candy to the cute trick-or-treater's, which was kinda fun to do, a first in our house. Seems like not too long ago I was the kid in a costume, now I'm the mom giving out the candy. How did this happen. Where does the time go?
Daniel also celebrated his birthday yesterday. We had a really fun family dinner full of laughter and good food. He has been a good husband to me, let's hope for many birthday's to come.

Friday, October 28, 2011

7 months

 Emilee is now a 7 month old! I can't believe it. Her favorite things are to:
  •  Yell and babble very loudly. Loves to say dada (even though I don't think she knows the meaning or is specially referring to Dad, it's still cute).
  • Scoot around doing the army crawl.
  • Not sleep through the night. :(
  • Smile at everyone, although sometimes she will look at people and cry or every time Daniel laughs, she is usually pretty happy.
She has one little tooth, working on tooth number two which is not so fun.
So basically, she "talks, crawls and chews on stuff" -Daniel
Me and Christy tried on multiple occasion to make homemade Carmel apples. One batch was too sticky and stuck to the wax paper, but still delicious! Gotta love Carmel apples. Next batch the Carmel hardened super hard, but Emilee really enjoyed to suck some sweet Carmel off the spoon. She looks serious about eating, getting both hands on that spoon!

 a recent family pic.  (a picture of a picture with a camera phone so it's not great)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


So did I mention I had a Birthday (shoot Hooray!) My friends Kristen and Julianne arranged for me to get a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered. Aren't they wonderful? Daniel got me more beads for my troll bracelet and Granny mailed me a cute sweater and I talked with my wonderful family!

Document for my posterity what I looked like on my birthday.

My Birthday cake in a bowl. I didn't want to make an entire cake because I would be the only one to eat it and that's no good. I learned this in college and it has served my sweet tooth very well through the years. All you do is mix a half cup or so cake mix and water and microwave for 90 seconds and voila.. cake! Just as good as baking it. It has a "26" and a jack-o-lantern on it -fabulous cake decorating skills eh? Or not!
I don't know why this picture is sideways, it's not saved that way on my computer. Sorry. But anyways, Emilee is teething. It has been a rough few days for her, and us too. Crying, waking up a few times at night, but look close in this picture and you can see it, ONE LITTLE TOOTH peaking through. Awwwww

Monday, October 17, 2011

Guest bed

So we have been wanting to get another bed and set up a guest bedroom in our extra room. Daniel found a lady selling a queen bed with mattress and dresser for $200 so we decided to go for it. We picked it up and it looked alright but I knew it could look better. Thanks to Daniel's hard hard work painting we have transformed it into a work of art! "The things I do for you!" he says. It took one day of painting it, and one more day to clean out the junk from the room for it to go in. So that's right- now you have a bed, you HAVE to come visit me now Pops, Dawna, Ben, Julia... Adam!!! Here is pictures:

Before: Drawers the bed sits on top of

Before: Headboard

Before: Dresser

After: Dresser

After: Headboard with new bedding!

After: Under bed drawers

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our Autum Blaze tree!

WE LOVE AUTUM (just not winter!)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I had to show the comparison of Emilee and her cousin Phineas.  I thought it was pretty funny! Phineas looks uncertain in both pictures and Emilee has mouth wide open in both, one is a scream the other is a laugh. They both look like they've grown up alot in 6 months.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Some pictures to go along with the last post...
yum... Apples!
Emilee on her HALF BIRTHDAY!  6 months!

Sweet view of down town
Little America room

Grandpa and Uncle Adam
Adoring her

Strawberry Resevoir on the drive home to Vernal


I guess I have a few things to update....

Sept. 27th was our 3 year anniversary.
Time flies by.
The past three years have been pretty good to us, the past year has brought the most changes for us with our own house and a most beautiful baby to keep us busy, and Daniel still loves me, amazingly, sometimes I don't know why. I made lasagna for dinner, that was a first and I thought it was delicious. The table was set and decorated with candles and our engagement pictures and ready for Daniel when he came home. I gave him the Apples To Apples game and he got me a Troll Bead braclet with beads that represented the months of October for my birthday, November for his birthday, Febuary for when we got engaged, September for when we got married, and March for Emilee's birthday. Awww, How sweet! Then we went to "the city" for the weekend. We stayed in The Little America Hotel, where we did for our honeymoon and ate  expensive room service food and took Emilee swimming in the pool and had an enjoyable time. We had lunch with my brother Ben and Dad in the afternoon and spoiled ourselves later with hour massages!! I was so sore for the next day though, elbows pushing a hard as physically possible on my lower back was not so relaxing afterall, but it was still worth it. I will admit that I had a hard time walking away from Emilee while she was screaming her head off, but I knew Julia could handle it. Thanks Julia! The rest of the weekend was devoted to watching conference  http://lds.org/general-conference?lang=eng     http://mormon.org/faith/ and eating too many cookies, chocolate and licorice!
I could have done alot better at paying attention but it was good to be reminded of all the great things about the gospel of Jesus Christ and all that the leaders of the church can teach us. One talk that I liked was Elaine S. Dalton talking to young men and fathers about how to raise girls, she said  "The greatest thing a father could do for his daughter is to love her mother." I think that is so true! A fathers example can do so much in children's lives. We also watched the movie 17 Miracles. That movie was flipping amazing to see what faith the pioneers had. I wouldn't want to starve to death, walk thousands of miles in freezing weather and snow, and bury my babies, but I'm sure greatful my great great- or however many greats it was- ancestors sacrifed what they did so we can be where we are today. I couldn't believe the miracles that happened, but they were all from true stories. Crazy! Anyways, It's always a good when we visit the McMillan's and we love grandpa Bryce!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Brick Face Lift



After. (Still working on it)
 From yellow brick to brown. The siding is new so the brick needed a face lift too. It's a cement stain, not a paint, so it looks more like regular natural brick.
More pictures to come of the complete finished product, hopefully we can finish before winter!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Food Storage

One cool feature of our house is the underground storage room. Thanks to all this canning and case lot sales, I have filled up a few shelves. It's awesome to look at your receipt and it says your total savings is $118. I'm just a little bit proud of myself. ;) I have a lot more work if I want to get a whole year's worth but it's a start.

What a Doll!

I may or may not be breaking copy right law by putting these up...I don't know????? But Here is a sneak peak at Emilee's 5 month old photo shoot. This one above was my favorite- the thinker pose.


Next sunday the "Emster MaGee" will be 6 months. She can sit up unassisted for the most part. She can babble up a storm. Smile back when I glance at her with a smile, I love that. Boy, time sure flies. Seems like I barely took Emilee to her 4 month well child check and here we are on 6 months! I just can't believe how fast it's gone by and how big and strong she is getting. Everytime we go to the doctor, and I mean every time, she has had massive diaper blowouts on the way there and we get there in the doctors room and get her out of her seat and it's just everywhere! It happened again, like clockwork! Poo was nearly up to her arm pit and got all over the car seat. It was pretty bad but we got her all wiped off and cleaned up. I guess that's what she thinks of going to the doctor.
She is growing right on track and is
17 lbs 9 oz and 25 inches tall.
Still kinda short, only in the 30th percentile, and of course fat. Poor girl had more shots, but the nurse gave her a sucker to make it all better. Pretty funny to see a little baby trying to get the sucker in their mouth and then when she figured it out she just loved it and got all sticky and rainbow colored from forehead to fingers. She even got a new book from the dr. that is in spanish and english to encourage reading. I really like children's books though so she has got a good collection of books already.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


After 6 months I finally got my little project done. It was pretty easy so I don't know why I slacked so much. I painted the letters first and it was ugly so I covered them with 3 different patterns of scrapbook paper and glued the ribbon on the back. But I got a wicked burn from the hot glue gun when glue got on my hand and since it's glue it stuck to me and burned and burned. I have a big blister now. I will forever be weary of hot glue! Dang you glue!

Not perfect. I notice all imperfections, but it'll do.
One hook came off the wall and broke an E that we had to glue back together, but at least it's done and pretty cute up on her wall!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Red Canyon Lodge

The hot hunter

Grandpa Dan

Daniel and Emilee with his deer.
Just a little two point buck.
I was trying not to freak out that my dear sweet innocent baby girl was
touching it's antlers! Ah! Conflict of intrest happening right now. Daniel insisted
that she loved it.

Ta-dah! Family hunting picture 2011. 
Forcing a smile. I'm all for camping and looking for deer but I'm less then 
thrilled when he actually gets one. Maybe one day I will get used to it. That's 
what I get for marrying a hot hunter.