I guess I have a few things to update....
Sept. 27th was our 3 year anniversary.
Time flies by.

The past three years have been pretty good to us, the past year has brought the most changes for us with our own house and a most beautiful baby to keep us busy, and Daniel still loves me, amazingly, sometimes I don't know why. I made lasagna for dinner, that was a first and I thought it was delicious. The table was set and decorated with candles and our engagement pictures and ready for Daniel when he came home. I gave him the Apples To Apples game and he got me a Troll Bead braclet with beads that represented the months of October for my birthday, November for his birthday, Febuary for when we got engaged, September for when we got married, and March for Emilee's birthday. Awww, How sweet! Then we went to "the city" for the weekend. We stayed in The Little America Hotel, where we did for our honeymoon and ate expensive room service food and took Emilee swimming in the pool and had an enjoyable time. We had lunch with my brother Ben and Dad in the afternoon and spoiled ourselves later with hour massages!! I was so sore for the next day though, elbows pushing a hard as physically possible on my lower back was not so relaxing afterall, but it was still worth it. I will admit that I had a hard time walking away from Emilee while she was screaming her head off, but I knew Julia could handle it. Thanks Julia! The rest of the weekend was devoted to watching
conference http://lds.org/general-conference?lang=eng http://mormon.org/faith/ and eating too many cookies, chocolate and licorice!
I could have done alot better at paying attention but it was good to be reminded of all the great things about the gospel of Jesus Christ and all that the leaders of the church can teach us. One talk that I liked was Elaine S. Dalton talking to young men and fathers about how to raise girls, she said
"The greatest thing a father could do for his daughter is to love her mother." I think that is so true! A fathers example can do so much in children's lives. We also watched the movie
17 Miracles. That movie was flipping amazing to see what faith the pioneers had. I wouldn't want to starve to death, walk thousands of miles in freezing weather and snow, and bury my babies, but I'm sure greatful my great great- or however many greats it was- ancestors sacrifed what they did so we can be where we are today. I couldn't believe the miracles that happened, but they were all from true stories. Crazy! Anyways, It's always a good when we visit the McMillan's and we love grandpa Bryce!